A Reflection on Our Studio Turning 16 - During a Pandemic
Posture Studio is officially in it’s 16th year!
Years ago, if someone had told me that I’d be writing a blog post about entering my 16th year of business - I wouldn’t have believed it. If they had also told me that I’d be writing it in the midst of a global pandemic that forced the closure of my studio and then a full pivot of my business, I would have thought “Run, Carla, run.” To be honest, I’ve thought that a few times, anyway.
I didn’t set out to open a business, as crazy as that sounds. My initial seed of an idea was to open a tiny studio to see clients privately.
When I first opened the studio, I was single. Footloose and fancy-free with not many other concerns. I look back and it seems like a past lifetime. It was so easy in many ways. Low overhead, only clients and me. Yet, I was soon lonely. I missed the energy of a larger studio. Plus, I had a waitlist. The studio needed to grow.
I hired my first instructor. Soon, I hired another and another, then I expanded. Before I knew, it, the studio had expanded- two times.
So did I. I went from being single to being married with two kids. All the while, the studio has been like a third child. I have loved it and nurtured it over all of these years. My family and friends have listened to me talk about it like a beloved family member.
Needless to say, I have never considered giving up on it - until the pandemic hit. After the pandemic, all business owners were reeling to figure out how to survive. I was not alone. On top of it, I really didn’t know if I could be a mom with kids who were virtually learning and pivot a business in the midst of a global crisis. There were a lot of tears and unknowns - yet my issues paled in comparison of many.
So, in looking back at these past years- specifically in light of the past 10 months - I cannot help but wonder whether I would have chosen to open a studio knowing what I know now.
After much soul searching, my answer is yes.
Pre-pandemic, I knew the studio had become both a place to support clients physically - to ease tension/pain and improve strength/mobility - but it has become even clearer to me since the pandemic that the studio is an integral part of the wellness community in Charlottesville.
The amount of outreach that I have received from clients, worried whether the studio could survive these times, has been touching. People have especially relayed to me how important the studio is for their overall health and how its existence is important to them. In notes and phone calls, I have heard the many reasons why this is true.
I’ve always worked to foster a space that is dedicated to helping others feel better. The pandemic helped me realize that the studio offers that and so much more.
In setting out to open my tiny little studio so many years ago, little did I know what was ahead. I look back on these years with many feelings. I think of all of the people who have graced our doors from all walks of life- both clients and instructors- and I feel thankful to have planted the seed that has become Posture Studio.
We’re glad to be here.
Pilates Postural Analysis
15 years later. Our team includes therapeutic practitioners, Pilates instructors, manual therapists and those skilled in teaching functional movement patterns and biomechanics.
Thankful to be here…
Posture Studio’s first home was located on the second floor of what is now Common House at 206 West Market Street. A tiny space. Carla had her son, Elijah, during these early years and Shannon Wells was key in teaching clients while Carla took mater…
Kelly Stock and Carla Shifflett, 2006. Kelly was our apprentice. Kelly came into the studio with a substantial injury. Her experience with Pilates changed her life and she has dedicated the past 15 years to pursuing a career in health and wellness. …
Our second time expanding in 6 years. Notice the addition of another child, Adela, who is in the background.
With the second expansion, we had two studios. One became dedicated to Pilates reformers and towers, and another dedicated to Pilates Chair and a multi-use rope wall. We now have Pilates reformers in both studios.
Our Team, 2021 - I’m so thankful for the team of practitioners who make up Posture Studio. So excited for things to come.Carla, Tara Fontenot, Marianne Harmon, Shannon Wells, Bettina Stevens, Katie Dale, Sarah Baugher, Meredith McClellan, Brad Stoll…