The Importance of Foot Stability and Mobility + Exercises for Happy Feet
If you’ve been in our Pilates studio, you know that footwork is integral to the practice and this is by design. Foot mobility and stability significantly affect walking, running and load bearing movements as the feet are the primary point of contact with the ground during these activities.
Ideally, feet should possess a balance of strength and mobility. Both attributes are essential for optimal foot function and overall lower limb biomechanics.
Having excessively strong but immobile feet or excessively mobile but weak feet can lead to (click read more)

Tips for Easeful Movement While Traveling
Traveling this summer but worried that your body might not cooperate? Try some movement exercises and feel the difference. Here are a few ideas for practicing on the go.
Move Anywhere - No space? No problem. All you need is a wall or a floor or a banister and you’re good to go! Pilates exercises can be done with minimal or not equipment and can be practiced in various settings- think hotel rooms, outdoor spaces, or even airport lounges. Need ideas? See our YouTube Videos for a few ideas
Posture, Flexibility and Mobility. Traveling often involves long periods of sitting, which can lead to poor posture, stiffness and decreased flexibility. Practice 1-15 minutes of (click read more)

It's our birthday and we're happy to be here
Posture Studio opened its doors in 2006 in what is now Common House (previously the beloved Studio 206) on Market Street. Carla was on her own then, teaching privates, duets and mat classes, and it soon became clear that she needed more teachers. Kelly Stock and Jessie Laurita-Spanglet were among the first apprentices to join Carla, followed by Shannon Slovensky Wells.
That was over 15 years and 2 expansions ago (plus 2 kids for Carla)…not to mention 1 pandemic! We have grown, learned and grown some more, and we are happier than ever in our sweet studio.
With a team of 11 incredible instructors and many others who work behind the scenes on scheduling and more, we continue to be committed to serving the Charlottesville area with a therapeutic and functional movement training approach to Pilates and to functional movement training.
We are thankful to be a part of Charlottesville’s wellness community. ❤️ Thank you to everyone who has supported Posture Studio over the years. ❤️ We appreciate you!
With love,
All of us at Posture

Functional Movement is Natural Movement- Babies Know What's Up
We hear the term “functional movement” all of the time but what is it?
Functional training is training that supports natural movement. It’s the strength that allows us to do the things that humans do in day to day life.
Isn’t all training functional? No. Many forms of training focus on one muscle group at a time and shorten muscles to “build” muscle. Other exercises focus on building muscles for one particular task (eg: cycling).
At Posture Studio, we focus on a functional movement training approach to Pilates. What that means is that we build exercises and instructions into the classes that support strengthening the body for daily movement tasks.
What does a functional movement class look like? (click read more)

The Shoulders: Powerfully Strong Yet Injury Prone. What gives?
The shoulder girdle is a beautifully strong yet injury prone part of the body. Why? One of the most incredible aspects of the shoulder girdle is that it allows for a large range of motion of the arm, yet this increased range of motion makes the shoulder vulnerable to injury. Also, since the shoulder girdle is the top of the trunk, instability in the shoulders leads to less activation of balance muscles, core muscles and trunk stabilizers.
Is exercising enough to keep the shoulder girdle protected from injury? Yes and no. Overuse injuries are common in all people, athletes included, so exercising alone is not necessarily the secret to maintaining an injury free shoulder. Plus, certain exercises and lack of a range of exercises (like too many (click read more)

Raymond Krushals: Master Pilates Instructor who studied with 5 of the Pilates elders
There is a lineage in the Pilates world, just as there is in other traditions (like martial arts or yoga). Tonight, Carla met up with Raymond Krushals of Santa Fe Pilates who studied with 5 of the Pilates elders and has dedicated his career to continuing the integrity of the tradition.
Ray has seen it all in the Pilates world — from being in the first Pilates videos to being a founding member of the PMA (The Pilates Method Alliance). Ray also helped get Pilates recognized in professional sports training as well as in academia. His many insights and abundance of knowledge was a treat for Carla!
Over dinner Ray and Carla discussed...(click read more)

5 Beliefs that Hold People Back from Pilates
Have you ever held yourself back from something that you wanted to do because you though you couldn’t do it? Yeah—us, too! Here are a few myths that hold people back from Pilates and the truths of how to overcome them. Read more to see common misconceptions and how to overcome doubt in order to support YOU.

Why Posture Matters
Postural patterns are the same as functional movements. These movements are patterns that are exhibited when walking, running, cycling, bending, lifting. These movements are important and can be improved with postural training.

A Reflection on Our Studio Turning 16 - During a Pandemic
On turning 16 during a global crisis, Carla reflects on whether she’d open a studio knowing what she knows now.

Teacher Feature: Brad Stoller, Mastery of Movement
Carla Shifflett of Posture Studio shares her experience of working with movement educators like Brad Stoller and how this influenced Posture Studio.

Movement Changes Lives. After Injury, It Can Also Be Scary.
Doing a move that once caused an injury can be scary. I’ve worked to strengthen, yes, but I’ve also worked to understand core strength and how to use it to assist me. Now I can relish in these moves, fear-free and injury-free, but more importantly, I have the tools to help others strengthen safely and effectively.

Tutorial Alert! Chin Tucks: When To Do Them, When To Stop
Chin Tucks. We've all heard of them. We've all done them. Almost everyone I know has been prescribed them by a PT or a trainer. It’s important to know WHEN to do them - they’re an exercise, not something to hold all of time.

Carla Talks About The Core on WINI 98.9
Carla chats with host Les Sinclair about healthy posture, the core, what it means to land in “neutral” for everyday movements and the power of proper breathing.

"The Healing Power of Pilates" -- Carla Shifflett on The Pilates Student Manual Podcast
Carla chats with host Olivia Bioni about how she found Pilates as a form of rehabilitation after a debilitating injury in the early 2000’s — and how it changed her life.

Using Our Words: How My Small Business in Charlottesville, VA Reacted After the Unite The Right Rally
How one small business relayed a message after the tragic events in Charlottesville, Virginia.

Healing Moments Sometimes Sneak Up On Us
Sometimes healing happens in its own time, in its own way.

When I was 28, I thought I'd have pain forever. Thanks to Pilates, I’m doing swan on a bike instead.
In this post Carla Shifflett, owner of Posture Studio, shares her story of doing a “superman” downhill on a bike — an incredibly difficult maneuver — which highlighted how far she’s come since her life-altering injury at 28.

Savoring The Quiet as a Parent
I sometimes think that the noisiness that comes with parenting has made me better at sinking into quiet more quickly when I find it than I ever did before kids...like a giant blanket covering me, I sink in and use the time wisely.

Oh, The Self-Care Lecture Can Be Exhausting. Thoughts From A Working Mom
If you have a mom friend who is burned out, do something for her instead of telling her what she should be doing. And whatever you do, don’t lecture her on self-care.
Meditation Through the Backdoor: How the Mindfulness Of Pilates Catches People By Surprise
"Meditation through the backdoor" is how I've referred to Pilates for years. Anyone who has practiced the repetitive, rhythmic, and cyclical nature of studying movement knows this, and Pilates is no different.