Teacher Feature: Brad Stoller, Mastery of Movement
Carla here. I wanted to take a moment to introduce you to one of our newest instructors. Brad Stoller.
Brad was one of my first movement instructors over 20 years ago at Studio 206--when everyone in or near C'ville who was into movement could be found within those walls (oh, how I miss that studio!) It was there that I was given the freedom to explore the dynamics of movement.
I was learning about movement patterns through my newfound study of Pilates to heal my injured body, but I was struggling with how to apply Pilates principles to dynamic movement. What is dynamic movement? Movement that takes us from one place to the other through a range of motions. An example is working in kitchen - you move in all directions, bend, twist, etc. Another example is dancing. Studio 206 and instructors like Brad Stoller and Chris Freidman taught easeful dynamic movement and pushed me to reach beyond my comfort zones with movement and how I considered movement dynamically.
Over the years, the Posture Studio Method has integrated dynamic movement into our Pilates and movement teaching. Brad is a perfect addition to our vision and we are honored to welcome him to our team.
Brad Stoller, Alexander Technique and Feldenkrais Instructor Focuses on Poise and Posture
Brad Stoller is a master movement educator with over 30 years of teaching experience. His teaching brings in a practice of attention and awareness to create a richer and more fulfilling experience of moving.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to me. My goal with the studio has always been to offer instructor to support clients in wellness and to create a team of practitioners who can work together towards that goal.
Brad Stoller teaching Alexander Technique