5 Beliefs that Hold People Back from Pilates
Have you ever held yourself back from something that you wanted to do because you though you couldn’t do it? Yeah—us, too! Here are a few myths that hold people back from Pilates and the truths of how to overcome them. Read more to see common misconceptions and how to overcome doubt in order to support YOU.

Teacher Feature: Brad Stoller, Mastery of Movement
Carla Shifflett of Posture Studio shares her experience of working with movement educators like Brad Stoller and how this influenced Posture Studio.

Tutorial Alert! Chin Tucks: When To Do Them, When To Stop
Chin Tucks. We've all heard of them. We've all done them. Almost everyone I know has been prescribed them by a PT or a trainer. It’s important to know WHEN to do them - they’re an exercise, not something to hold all of time.