5 Beliefs that Hold People Back from Pilates
Have you ever held yourself back from something that you wanted to do because you though you couldn’t do it? Yeah—us, too! Here are a few myths that hold people back from Pilates and the truths of how to overcome them.
1️⃣ “I’m not fit enough”.
Anyone can do Pilates and you ARE “enough”. Pilates is used for everything from rehab to “working out”. Think about what you need and find a studio that meets those needs. Some studios specialize in rehab while others cater to those who crave endorphins. Some studios offer both. Call the studio, speak to the owners. You might be surprised!
2️⃣ Diversity. “No one in the studio is like me.”
This is a biggie and something that we support. Again, check out the studio - walk in - see who is in the room. Do you see a diverse group who are comfortable together? Find YOUR studio.
3️⃣ No coordination. “I’m not coordinated and cannot stretch.”
Little secret: when our founder, Carla, began Pilates, she had been injured for so long that her coordination was pretty horrible. Pilates instructors are known for being patient and teaching with care. Coordination can be learned. As far as stretching, Pilates works the muscles at their full length, which is different than what many think of as stretching. This is one you’ll need to experience to notice the difference but it feels great!
4️⃣ Money. “It’s so expensive. Why?”
Yes, Pilates is expensive - especially if it’s a studio that offers small group classes. Studios differ in their approach to financial aid. Many studio offer sliding scales, pay what you can classes, or trades. At Posture, we believe in doing what we can to help.. Again, talk to the studio owner and you might be surprised at the steps they take to help.
5️⃣ “I’m not 20, 30 or 40 anymore.”
Ageism is a real thing in the movement world. The notion that “younger is sexier and stronger” is the biggest lie the industry puts out. Honoring people of all ages is essential and should be respected. Aging is LIVING. If you’re concerned about whether the studio offers classes to all ages, call them and ask. Check out the studio. At Posture, our ages range from 10-90. No kidding.
Pilates is for everyone and there IS a studio for you. If you can’t find one, reach out. We’ll help.