Teacher Feature: Brad Stoller, Mastery of Movement
Carla Shifflett of Posture Studio shares her experience of working with movement educators like Brad Stoller and how this influenced Posture Studio.

Movement Changes Lives. After Injury, It Can Also Be Scary.
Doing a move that once caused an injury can be scary. I’ve worked to strengthen, yes, but I’ve also worked to understand core strength and how to use it to assist me. Now I can relish in these moves, fear-free and injury-free, but more importantly, I have the tools to help others strengthen safely and effectively.

Healing Moments Sometimes Sneak Up On Us
Sometimes healing happens in its own time, in its own way.
Meditation Through the Backdoor: How the Mindfulness Of Pilates Catches People By Surprise
"Meditation through the backdoor" is how I've referred to Pilates for years. Anyone who has practiced the repetitive, rhythmic, and cyclical nature of studying movement knows this, and Pilates is no different.